International Driving License Malaysia
An International driving license Malaysia will translate your driver's license into 15 different languages, which will help officials understand your drivers license easily. When travelling to a foreign country, countless bilateral treaties and agreements regulate IDP requirements. The bilateral treaties and agreements can change constantly. So you must carry an ITCA International driver's license if you are travelling outside your country.
You can apply ITCA international driving License from anywhere in the world. Apply for Soft Copy if you need an IDP Immediately.
The process of applying for Malaysia international driving license straight in an office will be difficult for you, and it will take your own time. The payment methods are also complicated, so it is better to apply for an international driving license online. The process will take about 10 to 15 minutes only while applying ITCA IDP online.
The details required to apply for an ITCA International Drivers License Malaysia are :
Email & Phone Number
Current residence
Place of birth
National driver's license number,
National driver's license issued date & expiry date
Driving License Picture & Your Head Shot Photo For Your IDP
You can apply for Soft Copy If you Are travelling. (Make Sure Your Print it)
Malaysia Internationl Driving License
International Driving Permit Malaysia
There are two different formats of international driving License Malaysia, one format is from 1949, and the other one is from 1968. Every country has its own rules and regulations; in some countries, they require a specific format to follow. For example, the U.S. only follows the 1949 format, so if you apply for an international driving Licesce Malaysia., you need to apply for the 1949 format. ITCA will do it for you, Apply your ITCA IDP Now

ITCA国際運転免許証は、バーコードと国内運転免許証のQRコード情報、および政府発行の運転免許証を11の主要言語に翻訳する小冊子でサポートされているプラスチック製の磁気IDカードです。運転免許証では多くの外国で運転できますが、IDPの翻訳は、運転免許証の言語が広く話されていない、または理解されていない国で運転する場合の言語の壁を最小限に抑えることを目的としています。 IDPが行うのはこれだけです。これは、政府が発行した有効なライセンスに代わるものではありません。一時停止または取り消されたライセンスの代わりに、または政府発行の身分証明書として使用することはできません。そして、それは交通違反切符や「ポイント」からあなたを保護しません。

How To Get International Driving License In Malaysia
Online Application Form
You must have a national or domestic driving license to submit your application online.
Eligibility Check
ITCA review team will review & approve your International Drivign Permit.
Get A Valid IDP Instantly
ITCA will issue your IDP and send it to you.